Remember Me
Have My ESC remembering you
To save time re-entering your Username every time you come to the ESC Web Site, you can have your computer
remember this information. By ticking the "remember me" box, you will then have direct access to general
website content (e.g. guidelines) - without the need to log in - next time you return to our site.
You will need to re-enter your password however, if you want to want to use an electronic service or if you want to
view or change your personal data.
Removing the Remember Me functionality
If you would like to remove the remember me functionality, please log out and follow the link
under "If you are using a public computer..."in the logout page.
Important note for users of a public/shared computer!
Please do not use the "remember me" function from a public or shared computer and make sure to log out before
your leave the ESC Web Site.